Aquascape Fungus Treatment

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SKU: 81040


Designed to combat fungus and external protozoan parasites, this treatment is your ally against afflictions such as freshwater/saltwater ich, costia, and trichodinella.

Swift action is imperative once you detect the initial indications of fungus or a parasite issue on your pond fish. Watch out for telltale signs like the emergence of white, green, or gray cottony patches. Equally notable is the sight of fish engaging in frequent rubbing or flashing against pond surfaces.

Preventing common complications is paramount. Avoid water temperature fluctuations, ensure water quality is optimal, and prioritize minimizing stress on your fish population.

With this treatment on your side, you can address fungal and parasitic challenges in your pond fish promptly and effectively.

Please be aware that this product is not available for purchase in Canada or the US state of California.

Fish Symptom Possible Problems Treatment
Erratic movement, flashing or rubbing on rocks and surfaces throughout the pond Parasite Problem Aquascape Parasite & Ich Treatment
Aquascape Praziquantel Treatment
Aquascape Pond Salt
Growths that look like "cotton balls" Fungal Infection Aquascape Fungus Treatment
Open wounds or ulcers Bacterial Infection Aquascape Ulcer & Bacterial Infection Treatment
Fins appear to be rotting away Fin Rot
Bacterial Infection
Aquascape Ulcer & Bacterial Infection Treatment
Aquascape Pond Salt
Red streaks in the fins Bacterial Infection
Parasite Problem
Ammonia Poisoning
Aquascape Parasite & Ich Treatment
Aquascape Praziquantel Treatment
Aquascape Pond Salt and water change using Aquascape Pond Detoxifier
Aquascape Ammonia Neutralizer
Small, white spots that look like salt stuck to the body of the fish Ich
Parasite problem
Aquascape Parasite & Ich Treatment
Aquascape Pond Salt
Gasping at the surface of the water Oxygen Depletion Aerate the pond and agitate the pond surface
Reduce fish load
Bulging eyes Bacterial Infection Aquascape Ulcer & Bacterial Infection Treatment
Scales protruding from a swollen body like a pine cone Dropsy
Bacterial Infection
Difficult to treat; treat the pond as a preventative measure
Aquascape Ulcer & Bacterial Infection Treatment
Difficulty swimming underwater floating at the surface upright Swim Bladder Disease If the fish is still feeding, feed fish with canned peas or a Spirulina-based fish food.
Red or swollen gills Parasite Problem Aquascape Parasite & Ich Treatment
Aquascape Praziquantel Treatment
Aquascape Pond Salt