Weedtrine D 1gal
Weedtrine-D is a broad range liquid herbicide for the control of Bladderwort, Coontail, Elodea, Naiad, Pondweeds (Potamogeton spp.), Watermilfoil, Pennywort, Salvinia, Waterhyacinth, and Waterlettuce. May be applied as a surface spray, or may be poured from the container in strips over problem areas.
• Dosage ranges from 2.5 – 10 gallons per surface acre depending on species to be controlled.
• Some water use restictions for 5 days after application.
Weedtrine-D is a Michigan Restricted Use Pesticide. Michigan customers must supply a copy of their Michigan pesticide applicator’s license prior to purchase. Other states ARE NOT restricted.
Due to state Restrictions, we are unable to ship THIS USEPA registered herbicide to the following states: Alaska, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington. Other states may restrict the shipment of other items, please call for more information.