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PondScape Supreme Spring Cleanout 180OLS


PondScape's Supreme Spring Cleanout Service for ponds up to 180 square feet.  This cleanout service is for homeowner's that feel a basic just do.  We will devote the extra time to making your water feature tip top.  A total of up to 3.5 hours with two technicians is committed to this service. 

The cleanout service includes the following.
Drain the water feature with some water being pumped into our holding bins to house the fish.
Place the fish into our holding bins with aeration and a cover with a net for their safety.
Physically remove any excessive sludge, debris and leaves.
Power wash the entire feature. (If the pond is bare liner, we will NOT power wash the liner, it will be rinsed with a garden hose.)
Clean up or cut back plants for healthy growth.
Observe fish health and notify you if there are any problems. (PondScape cannot treat or diagnose any fish health issues due to regulations. We will simply point out any problems we notice.)
Inspect and test the underwater lighting. We can replace any defective lights at this time but must be authorized by the customer.
Clean and vacuum all filters.
Replace skimmer pad if needed.
Service and clean pump(s).
Reconnect pump(s).
Make any recommendations for improvements or repairs.

Your water feature will be sufficiently cleaned so that that filters can take care of the rest.  Your pond WILL NOT be sanitized.  There will be some dirt and debris left over.  

The cleanout service does not include:
Leak repair or diagnosis. A separate service call will be required.
PondScape will not be responsible for any leaks found by the customer after the cleanout is performed.
Any repairs such as filter or pump replacement that was not scheduled prior to the cleanout. For example, if we test your pump and it is bad, a separate service call will be required to replace your pump. We do carry a few different pumps on our truck, but there are just too many options for us to carry on our vehicle.