Pondscape Aeration Engine Side
Pondscape Engine Side Aeration System for ponds of varying acreages depending on shape and depth of pond. Choose either 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 horsepower Rocking Piston air compressor, . The Pondscape Engine Side Aeration System includes a compressor, single, double or triple valved outlet assembly, pressure gauge and pressure relief valve all mounted in lockable steel cabinet with cooling fan and electrical outlet installed. Now also with 6′ power cord pre-wired to plug cabinet system into GFCI protected outlet.
The Pondscape Engine Side Aeration System does not include any tubing or diffusers. Click here to choose your tubing and diffusers.
The Pondscape Engine Side Aeration System does not include any tubing or diffusers. Click here to choose your tubing and diffusers.