OASE Fan Jet Nozzles

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SKU: 53056

Fan Jet Nozzles create a thick veil of water useful for concealing unwanted views

Three sizes create heavy fans of gushing water, 6mm and 8mm thick respectively

For fresh, pool and sea water; water level independent

OASE Fan Jet Nozzles creates a thick veil of water useful for concealing unwanted views. The Fan Jet Nozzle has three sizes that create heavy fans of gushing water, 6mm and 8mm thick respectively. The Fan Jet Nozzle is intended for fresh water, pool and sea water and is water level independent.

(Fan Jet 10 - 6 E, requires 51026 NPT adapter, Oase Adapter G 10 / NPT 10 Silver)

(Fan Jet 15 - 8 E requires 51027 NPT Adapter, Oase Adapter G 15 / NPT 15 Silver)