Blue Thumb Large 11' x 16' DIY Pond Kit
A mid-level DIY project pond kit based on our former Crystal Falls Series.
For DIYers looking to tackle a larger project, and for professional installers looking for a more affordable option in building smaller ponds. Check out our Elite Series for Blue Thumb's superior Elite Contractor Grade product line.
Max Pond Size 11’ x 16’ x 2’
Complete kit ready for installation
Compare to our Elite Pond Kit PB1276
Designed with professional installers in mind but the weekend at heart. This 2000 gallon pond kit will come complete in a single box ready for installation. The DIY 180 Skimmer will provide ample mechanical filtration while the 2000 Waterfall will handle the biological filtration. This pond kit will provide a nice waterfall sound and a beautiful habitat for your choice of fish. Rock and gravel are not included.
What's Included:
Fish-Friendly Rubber Liner
Protective Underliner
DIY Mechanical Skimmer Box
DIY Biological Waterfall Box
Blue Thumb High-Efficiency Pump
Check Valve Assembly
1.5" PVC Flex Pipe
Bacti-Twist Filter Media
1.5" Check Valve
Installation Instruction Manual
Installation Kit
Pond Maintenance Kit